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In this article, we offer examples of how eyetools data can be used with the gganimate package. This article is code heavy as it is designed to demonstrate the capacity of gganimate in tandem with eyetools and for relatively straightforward application to one’s own data.

data <- combine_eyes(HCL)

data_118 <- data[data$pNum == 118,]

data_118 <- interpolate(data_118)

data_smooth <- smoother(data_118, span = .02)

data_fix <- fixation_dispersion(data_smooth)

Plotting raw data with lag

Using the plot_seq() function we can extract the raw eye gaze and then we can create an animation using transition_time() and shadow_wake() to provide the ‘lag’ enabling the visualisation of the movement over the trial time.

animate1 <- plot_seq(data = data_smooth, trial_number = 1,
                     bg_image = "../data/HCL_sample_image.jpg") +
  scale_colour_gradient(low = "red", high = "red") + #to keep a consistent colour
  guides(colour="none") + #remove redundant legend when colour is consistent
  transition_time(time) + 
  shadow_wake(.125, wrap = FALSE, size = 2, alpha = .75)
        duration =  15,
        end_pause = 15)

## To save an animation
#anim_save("figures/point_lag.gif", animate1, height = 810, width = 1440, duration = 12,
#          end_pause = 15)
Graphic showing the raw eye gaze data imposed over a sample stimuli image.
Graphic showing the raw eye gaze data imposed over a sample stimuli image.

Plotting raw and smoothed data

We can also animate the static plot presented in the smoother() function by plotting the x and y coordinates together. To do so, we cannot leverage the plotting function in smoother() as it does not play nicely with the gganimate() package, so we use the smoothed and unsmoothed data in a pipeline.

data_both <- data |> 
  left_join(data_smooth, suffix = c("_raw", "_smooth"), by = join_by("pNum", "time", "trial")) |> 
  filter(pNum == "118", trial == "1") # take a single participant and trial

data_both <- data_both |> 
  pivot_longer(cols = c("x_raw", "x_smooth"), values_to = "x", names_to = "x_names") |> 
  pivot_longer(cols = c("y_raw", "y_smooth"), values_to = "y", names_to = "y_names") |> 
  filter((x_names == "x_raw" & y_names == "y_raw") | (x_names == "x_smooth" & y_names == "y_smooth")) |> 
  mutate(smoothed = str_remove(x_names, "x_"), .after = trial) |> 
  select(-c(x_names, y_names))
plot_animate_smooth <- data_both |> 
  mutate(alpha = ifelse(smoothed == "smooth", .5, 1)) |> 
  ggplot(aes(x = x, y = y, colour = smoothed, fill = smoothed, alpha = alpha)) +
  geom_point(size = 10) +
  lims(x = c(0, 1920), y = c(0, 1080)) +
  scale_alpha_identity() +
  transition_components(time) +
  shadow_wake(.25, wrap = FALSE, size = 2, alpha = .75)
        duration =  15,
        end_pause = 15)
Image showing single timepoint difference between raw and smoothed data
Image showing single timepoint difference between raw and smoothed data

Plotting AOI entries

We can use AOI_seq() to get information about AOI entries combined with the raw data to show the gaze data entering/exiting AOIs.

data_plot4 <- AOI_seq(data_fix, AOIs = HCL_AOIs, AOI_names = c("Predictive", "Non-Predictive", "Target")) |> 
  filter(trial == 1) |> 
  select(-c(trial, duration)) |> 
  pivot_longer(start:end, values_to = "time") |> 
  full_join(data_smooth |> 
              filter(trial == 1)) |> 
  arrange(time) |> 
  fill(AOI, entry_n, name, .direction = "down") |> 
  mutate(AOI = ifelse(name == "end", "out of AOI", AOI),
         AOI = ifelse(, "out of AOI", AOI)) |> 
  mutate(AOI = factor(AOI, levels = c("Predictive", "Non-Predictive", "Target", "out of AOI")))

plot_animate_4 <- data_plot4 |> 
  ggplot(aes(x,y, colour = AOI, group = pNum)) +
  lims(x = c(0, 1920), y = c(0, 1080)) +
  #add a background image
                    xmin = 0,
                    xmax = 1920,
                    ymin = 0,
                    ymax = 1080) +
  geom_point(size = 5) +
        duration = round(max(data_plot4$time)/1000))
Image showing lagged timepoint difference between raw and smoothed data
Image showing lagged timepoint difference between raw and smoothed data

Plotting time spent in Areas of Interest over time

growth_all <- data_smooth |> 
  filter(pNum == "118", trial == "1") |> 
  plot_AOI_growth(AOIs = HCL_AOIs, AOI_names = c("Predictive", "Non Predictive", "Target")) +
  geom_point() + 
        duration = 10)
Image showing the proportion of time spent in an AOI over time
Image showing the proportion of time spent in an AOI over time

Or just predictive and non-predictive cues

This is easily done by specifying NAs in the appropriate position in the AOI_names parameter.

growth_partial <- data_smooth |> 
  filter(pNum == "118", trial == "1") |> 
  plot_AOI_growth(AOIs = HCL_AOIs, type = "prop", AOI_names = c("Predictive", "Non Predictive", NA)) +
  geom_point() + 
        duration = 10)
Image showing the proportion of time spent in an AOI over time
Image showing the proportion of time spent in an AOI over time